The Apricot Centre

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Sara Riley

Business Support for the Wellbeing Service

I joined the team in October 2021. I have a background in administration and coordination for centres of creativity, wellbeing and sustainability. Whilst at university studying Politics I volunteered for a community arts organisation which had a focus on bringing people together in nature. Making the world a more beautiful and loving home for all has always been my vocation, and engaging with nature in this community focused way gave me a new direction. It inspired me to pursue a path towards permaculture and regenerative culture building, which led me to work for a diverse range of organisations working towards a more positive future in the UK and abroad. I am very happy to be part of the Apricot Centre and to bring my skills to this vibrant and vital organisation.

Within permaculture, diversity and engaging with edges is important. Working for the Wellbeing Team I aim to support a wide range of people to access our service and develop inclusivity for marginalised groups. I am passionate about creating resilient community networks for regenerative futures.

I love walking on Dartmoor and along the coast, wild swimming, singing and reading novels that are mostly from 100 years ago. I am also the Rituals Coordinator for Buddhafield, where I lead a team to create opening and closing ceremonies and rituals to connect with the land, each other and ourselves. I hope to bring magic to everything I do.