Art Psychotherapy

Art therapy is a psychotherapy that uses the creative potential in children and teenagers to help them through the more difficult times in their lives.

Who Art Therapy Can Help

Art Therapy is a powerful and usually effective way of working with young people who have experiences or continue to experience hardship - whether historically they have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect, or presently are experiencing a divorce, bereavement, bullying, arrival of a new sibling etc. Whatever it is that may be difficult to put into words, or even unimaginable in spoken language, they can be expressed through the artwork.

Art therapy can be used to assist children and teenagers with a number of issues including:

  • Treating mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depression

  • Helping children understand and deal with physical disabilities

  • Supporting children with developmental difficulties or trauma

  • Understanding and treating behavioural problems such as ADHD and ADD

  • Living with Learning Disabilities

  • Treating eating disorder and phobias

How It Works

Children are naturally creative, and it is usually easier for them to draw a picture as opposed to answering questions directly. They may be reluctant or hostile about discussing certain topics. Creating artwork is a non-threatening avenue that allows children to tackle tough issues in creative ways. Talking to the children about their drawings/painting can provide therapists with the opening they need to get at the heart of the problems affecting their young patients.

Teenagers are often more self-conscious about image-making and may be reluctant to openly express themselves at first. Tactile materials - from executive toys to stress relieving gadgets - are provided. These can support them to simply hang out, relax, and eventually start playing and creating. In the Art Therapy room, image-making can be used differently depending on the changing needs of the young person. Art has a natural cathartic element, which by its very making can allow a release from pent-up and/or repressed emotions. Art also has a symbolic language; with the help of the therapist, the young person can decipher the meaning of the picture and discusses the underlying thoughts/feelings that inspired the artwork. The Art Therapy room is a world to escape into, away from the overwhelming stresses that daily living may entail.

Getting Started

Firstly, we like to meet parents/cares, and where necessary, professionals - to discuss the background to the referral. Thereafter we suggest an initial assessment of 3 Art Therapy sessions with the young person. In the third session, both the therapists and the young person discuss whether to continue working together. If they agree to continue working together then they agree to meet weekly for a number of months (usually 3 months), after which they review their work together and extend the contract or close as required. Whilst the young person is undertaking therapy, the therapist meets monthly (ideally) with the parent/s/carer/s and may liaise with professionals and schools.

Art therapy reports are written on request for professional meetings, reviews, and discharge.