Therapeutic Life Story Work 

Therapeutic Life Story Work supports young people who have had challenging early beginnings, to resolve trauma, find meaning and to develop secure attachments with their adoptive parents or carers.

Children and young people are able to gain a deeper understanding of their personal history and ‘life story’’, developing an awareness of how these experiences and stories impact their present lives. The process aims to support the young person to reflect on their past, including difficult aspects such as; trauma, loss, abuse and neglect, to develop compassion towards themselves so that they move on with meaning and purpose, and make any needed changes. For adolescents Therapeutic Life Story Work helps to cultivate open and honest conversations with adoptive parents/carers, and social workers, and can make secretive contact with birth parents or family less likely. 

Our TLSW practitioners are skilled wellbeing practitioners who have been additionally trained in therapeutic life story work certificated by the Family Futures Consortium or other professional training organisations. A good understanding of child development, developmental trauma and attachment underlies our practice.